CERN Accelerating science


Date published Title Author(s) Presented at Presentation file
17/11/2016 cross kalman D.H. Campora Perez 8th LHCb Computing Workshop
17/11/2016 Roofline performance analysis and code optimization O. Awile 8th LHCb Computing Workshop
08/11/2016 Comparison of the radiation hardness of silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators for different DC bias voltages M. Zeiler, S. Detraz, L. Olantera, C. Sigaud, C. Soos, J. Troska, F. Vasey NSS 2016 Strasbourg, France
07/11/2016 CERN and prospects for the students of the ECE Department of University of Thessaly A.Santogidis, A. Topaloudis, A. Alexopoulos, L. Lazaridis ECE Department of University of Thessaly
25/10/2016 OpenStack at CERN T. Bell OpenStack Summit 2016
18/10/2016 Software switching for the LHC experiments at CERN G. Jereczek Intel Software Professionals Conference
13/10/2016 cross kalman D.H. Campora Perez CHEP 2016
13/10/2016 Engaging Industry for Innovation in the LHC run3-4 R&D program: CERN openlab M. Girone CHEP 2016
13/10/2016 From Physics to Industry: EOS outside HEP X. Espinal Curull CHEP 2016
13/10/2016 Acceleration of Cherenkov angle Reconstruction with the new Intel Xeon/FPGA compute platform for the particle identification in the LHCb Upgrade C. Färber CHEP 2016
12/10/2016 CERN openlab Researched Technologies That Might Become Game Changers in Software Development F. Rademakers CHEP 2016
12/10/2016 Integrating Containers in the CERN Private Cloud R. Brito Da Rocha CHEP 2016
11/10/2016 Leveraging Oracle Big Data Discovery to Master CERN’s Data M. Martin Cloudera & Oracle Big Data Summit
11/10/2016 RapidIO as a multipurpose interconnect S. Baymani CHEP 2016
10/10/2016 CERN openlab Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Projects F. Rademakers CHEP 2016
10/10/2016 CERN data services for LHC computing X. Espinal Curull CHEP 2016
05/10/2016 Comparison of the radiation hardness of silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators for different DC bias voltages M. Zeiler, S. Detraz, L. Olantera, C. Sigaud, C. Soos, J. Troska, F. Vasey NSS 2016 Strasbourg, France
23/09/2016 Data transfer for manycore processors for hight throughput computing at CERN A.Santogidis Huawei Labs, Paris
22/09/2016 Using Oracle Database In-Memory feature to Speed-up CERN Applications E. Pilecki Oracle Open World 2016
22/09/2016 The CERN OpenStack Cloud: Compute Resource Provisioning for the Large Hadron Collider J. van Eldik OpenStack Days Nordic Stockholm
