CERN Accelerating science

CERN openlab fellow awarded for best poster at CHEP2013

Friday, 18 October, 2013

The International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) took place in Amsterdam this year from 14th till 18th of October. Physicists and computing professionals from the high energy and nuclear physics community, computer science, and information technology joined the event either by attending the presentations or by presenting their work on related topics.

Maaike Limper, CERN openlab Fellow funded by Oracle, presented her work “An SQL-based approach to Physics Analysis”. Within the  “Event Processing, Simulation and Analysis” track, her poster was selected as the best one for effectively illustrating the results of her research. According to the recent findings of her work, Maaike showed how Physics Analysis can benefit from using SQL on data stored in a database and how this can provide an alternative way to analyse the large datasets produced by the LHC experiments.

Along with Maaike, other scientists related to CERN openlab expanded on their work and discussed their findings. Zbigniew Baranowski presented the results of his research – “Sequential Data access with Oracle and Hadoop: a performance comparison” while Stefano Alberto Russo presented his work on “Running a typical ROOT HEP analysis on Hadoop/MapReduce”Andrzej Nowak gave a talk titled “Intel Xeon Phi processor fits HEP workloads?”. Last but not least, Seppo Heikkila talked about the "Cloud storage performance and first experience from prototype services at CERN" during his presentation.

The CERN openlab management team would like to congratulate Maaike and thank all of the openlab CHEP participants.