In the DPCS project we will investigate modern Operating System concepts, addressing performance challenges arising from the evolution of hardware towards high number of cores per server, heterogeneous designs, high system I/O capability and the increasing functionality of the network interface hardware. We will focus on data plane operating systems for virtualized high-throughput I/O, multicore system scalability beyond single chassis.
The increased computing requirements of the LHC’s second run means it’s more important than ever to optimize high-energy physics codes for new computing architectures. There are 4 different use cases:
The LHC experiments and the CERN computing and data infrastructure make use of a large number of analysis tools. It is important to continuously monitor advances and trends in technology and evaluate software on different computing platforms as they evolve. As part of this collaboration, several widely used codes will be ported for running on ARM-based architectures. A study will be carried out to test and measure performance, energy consumption, and operational aspects, so as to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the architecture.
Accelerating Clouds Through Science |
CERN openlab Researched Technologies That Might Become Game Changers in Software Development |
New libfabric based transport for nanomsg |
Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
Innopolis University joins CERN openlab as a research member |
Kazan Federal University joins CERN openlab as a research member |