CERN Accelerating science

Maaike Limper

Competence center: 

Maaike Limper has a master in Physics from the University of Amsterdam, and a PhD in Particle Physics completed with Nikhef (The National Institute for Particle Physics in the Netherlands). As a part of her PhD and sub-sequent post-doc with the University of Iowa she worked on the ATLAS experiment,  one the experiments that measures events produced the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. During her work as an ATLAS physicist, Maaike worked on the construction of the silicon tracker, developed track and vertex reconstruction algorithms and participated in the analysis of the first LHC data recorded with the ATLAS detector. In addition Maaike was involved in developing some of the databases that store information on the ATLAS data-taking conditions. As of January 2012, Maaike joined the CERN IT Databases group as an Openlab Fellow funded by Oracle. Her current task is to investigate the possibilities of performing data reconstruction and/or data analysis within Oracle databases.