CERN Accelerating science


Date published Title Author(s) Presented at Presentation file
21/07/2010 Performance Analysis and SW optimization for HPC on Intel® Core™ i7, Xeon™ 5500 and 5600 family Processors D. Levinthal Advanced session on performance monitoring with Intel
21/07/2010 Performance Analysis and SW optimization lab for CERN D. Levinthal Advanced session on performance monitoring with Intel
21/07/2010 Nehalem Deep DiveSSG0203 R. Singhal, D. Levinthal Advanced session on performance monitoring with Intel
24/06/2010 Virtualisation for Oracle databases and application servers C. Garcia Fernandez, L. Gallerani, A. Topurov openlab III minor review meeting
24/06/2010 Report from International Workshop GSI S. Jarp openlab III minor review meeting
22/06/2010 Adapting HEP applications to run on GPUs A. Lazzaro 2nd Workshop on adapting applications and computing services to multi-core and virtualization
21/06/2010 Performance Monitoring Tools. Scaling to many-core Andrzej Nowak 2nd Workshop on adapting applications and computing services to multi-core and virtualization
09/06/2010 Harnessing Future Hardware S. Jarp International Tracking Workshop
06/06/2010 The Path to Exascale - Extending Intel’s HPC Commitment R. Dracott (Intel) HPCS (High Performance Computing Symposium)
31/05/2010 ISC'10 Keynote: HPC Technology -Scale-up & Scale out S. Jarp, K. B. Skaugen (Intel) ISC'10 (International Super Computing Conference)
29/05/2010 Data and Database Challenges at CERN T. Cass Oracle HPC Consortium
18/05/2010 Overview of the CERN DB Services for Physics L. Canali Orcan Swedish Oracle Users Group Conference
18/05/2010 Data Life Cycle Management@CERN with Oracle L. Canali Orcan Swedish Oracle Users Group Conference
18/05/2010 Data Life Cycle Management@CERN with Oracle L. Canali Orcan Swedish Oracle Users Group Conference
22/04/2010 Virtualisation for Oracle databases and application servers C. Garcia Fernandez HEPiX Spring 2010 Workshop
15/04/2010 CERN openlab activities presentation S. Jarp Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
07/04/2010 More and Moore. CERN openlab tests Intel's latest servers S. Jarp Intel Customer Event
24/03/2010 Are we all moving to Cloud Computing? M. Benard (HP), S. Jarp Inforum
16/03/2010 WIND Project M. Hulboj openlab III minor review meeting
16/03/2010 C-EYE R. Jurga openlab III minor review meeting
