CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

Date published Author(s) Type
01/09/2015 Processing of the WLCG job monitoring data using ElasticSearch J. D. Fernandez Technical document
01/09/2015 APEX Backup Tool Development M. Pinkute Technical document
01/09/2015 Integration of Key-Value Database in the Parameter Management System of the ALFA Framework T. Van Steenkiste Technical document
01/09/2015 Evaluation and Implementation of SQRL and U2F as 2nd Factor Authenticators for CERN Single Sign-On A. Nadeem Technical document
01/09/2015 Optimization Studies of Millepede - a Detector Alignment Application E. Serrano Technical document
01/09/2015 Batch Monitoring Dashboards I. Grigorescu Technical document
01/09/2015 Non-Intrusive User Interaction Monitoring for WinCC OA based Applications S. Gupta Technical document
01/09/2015 Source Code Review Using Static Analysis Tools S. Moiras Technical document
01/09/2015 Upgrading the Huawei Cloud Storage Benchmark Framework for ROOT6 Compatibility S. Seetharaman Technical document
01/09/2015 Towards EOS Namespace Persistence in NVRAM: Hashtable Benchmarks T. Kappé Technical document
