CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).
Date published | Author(s) | Type | |
26/02/2016 | Extending ZeroMQ and/or NanoMSG with support for SCIF | A. Santogidis | Presentation |
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09/02/2016 | Radiation Hard Silicon Photonics Devices for Future High Speed Optical Links | S. El Nasr , M. Zeiler | Presentation |
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04/02/2016 | Big Data for Big Discoveries: How LHC Finds Needles by Burning Haystacks | A. Di Meglio | Presentation |
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04/02/2016 | CERN and Clouds | T. Bell | Presentation |
Date published | Author(s) | Type | |
02/02/2016 | Improving Reproducibility of Data Science Experiments | T. Likhomanenko, A. Rogozhnikov, A. Baranov, E. Khairullin, A. Ustyuzhanin | Technical document |
Date published | Author(s) | Type | |
28/01/2016 | Fault Detection using Advanced Analytics at CERN's Large Hadron Collider | A.R. Marín, M.M. Marquez | Presentation |
27/01/2016 | Oracle Big Data Discovery for CERN’s Control Data | A.R. Marín | Presentation |
Date published | Author(s) | Type | |
21/01/2016 | Identity Service @ CERN Cloud | J. Castro Leon | Presentation |
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19/01/2016 | Design of Si-photonic structures to evaluate their radiation hardness dependence on design parameters | M. Zeiler, S. Detraz, L. Olantera, C. Sigaud, C. Soos, J. Troska, F. Vasey | Technical document |
Date published | Author(s) | Type | |
18/01/2016 | New Technologies for HEP - The CERN openlab | F. Rademakers | Presentation |