CERN Accelerating science

Press Coverage

Date published Title Abstract Article
21/09/2017 CERN openlab tackles ICT challenges of High-Luminosity LHC

CERN computing centre in 2017 (Image: Robert Hradil, Monika Majer/ CERN openlab has published a white paper identifying the major ICT challenges that face CERN and other ‘big science’ projects in the coming years.

21/09/2017 Press Release: CERN openlab tackles ICT challenges of High-Luminosity LHC

CERN openlab has published a white paper identifying the major ICT challenges that face CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and other ‘big science’ projects in the coming years.

CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. The complexity of the scientific instruments at the laboratory throw up extreme ICT challenges, and make it an ideal environment for carrying out joint R&D projects and testing with industry.

20/09/2017 CERN openlab tackles ICT challenges of High Luminosity-LHC

CERN openlab has published a white paper identifying the major ICT challenges that face CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and other ‘big science’ projects in the coming years.

17/09/2017 9 Hal Tentang Kerjaan di CERN

Sebenarnya 4 mingguan terakhir ini saya cukup sibuk dengan berbagai kegiatan, akhirnya ga sempet nulis di medium. Memang males sih kadang-kadang, tapi kalau tidak mau memulai pasti selamanya bakal males. Dengan menulis, kita dapat berbagi sesuatu dengan sangat mudah. Jadi sayang aja kalau malas nulisnya berkepanjangan. Ayo yang mau berbagi cerita apapun, saya tunggu tulisannya!

28/08/2017 CERN openlab summer student 2017

I was lucky enough to have been selected among more than 1500 applications to be a summer student in the CERN openlab programme. This was a unique experience where I got to work on an exciting project and met some of the world’s most interesting and smart people.

24/08/2017 Ditolak Visa Schengen. Duh!

Tulisan ini adalah bahan pelajaran untuk siapapun yang mau buat visa Schengen. Supaya rencana vacation ke Eropa ga berantakan kayak aku hiks.

24/08/2017 Developer Skills at Work: Serious (and Not-So-Serious) Stuff

Feeling knowledgeable? I have two different opportunities to put your software development knowledge to work. They could not be more different!

22/08/2017 Disaster Relief using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning

My project is "Disaster Relief using Satellite Imagery" by helping computers to get better at recognizing objects in satellite maps and these satellite maps are provided to us by the UN agency UNOSAT.

21/08/2017 Track Reconstruction with Deep Learning at the CERN CMS Experiment

As part of the CERN openlab summer school I am participating in the Intel Modern Code Developer Challenge. The scope of this challenge is to write a couple of technical posts about our projects at CERN to share part of our work with the Intel developer community.

05/08/2017 Internship at CERN : A Strong Belief Prevails Over All Self-Doubts

Burning at a scorching 103°F, etiolated from my body’s aversion to any kind of food that I was feeding it, trying hard to tame my running nose, I sat on my office chair on one of those Sundays. The weather was one of a kind outside – a delicious sun co-existing with a romantic breeze. Geographically, I was sitting very close to the border of Switzerland and France – countries where inhabitants are accustomed to hiking, running or doing anything that helps their spirit dance along with nature, especially during the weekends.
