This section gathers press coverage and other on-line articles relating to CERN openlab and its activities.
Further content can be found archived on the previous phases' website, here.
Date published | Title | Abstract | Article |
22/04/2017 | COMUNICADO: Huawei y Deutsche Telekom comparten el éxito de Open Telekom Cloud y planes futuros en CeBIT 2017 |
En CeBIT 2017 celebrado en Hannover, Alemania, Huawei y Deutsche Telekom compartieron hoy sus últimos desarrollos y planes futuros para Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). Desde su lanzamiento comercial en el año 2016, se ha mejorado la solución desarrollada conjuntamente con 50 nuevos sabores y nuevos servicios, proporcionando a las empresas un conjunto completo de servicios en la nube. Además, los socios anunciaron unir fuerzas para abordar el mercado de hardware de IoT. |
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21/04/2017 | Tips for students applying for (and accepted to) the Summer Student Programmes at CERN |
This post is dedicated to all you rad boys and girls who have been asking me to give them some tips on how to get selected for a summer student programme at CERN and also to those who have been searching online in hopes of stumbling upon some honest advice. |
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19/04/2017 | 华为携手德电于CeBIT2017分享开放电信云成功案例 |
【环球网科技综合报道 德国,汉诺威】2017年3月20日,今天在德国汉诺威举行的CeBIT 2017上,华为与德国电信(Deutsche Telekom,以下简称为“德电”)介绍了双方共同研发和推出的开放电信云(Open Telekom Cloud, OTC)的最新进展及未来计划。自去年正式投入商用以来,华为-德电开放电信云不断完善,已拥有50多种云服务和解决方案,为企业提供全套云服务。双方致力于进一步合作,拓展物联网市场。 |
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18/04/2017 | Hva er Openlab Summer Student Program? |
Jeg har blitt kontaktet på noen sosiale medier plattformer og bedt om å gi råd om hvordan å komme inn i Openlab Summer Student programmet. Vurder denne bloggen post del 1 av mitt svar på alle spørsmålene og forespørslene jeg har mottatt. |
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17/04/2017 | What is the Openlab Summer Student Programme? |
I have been approached on some social media platforms and asked to give advice on how to get into the Openlab Summer Student programme. Consider this blog post part 1 of my answer to all the queries and requests that I’ve been receiving. |
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14/04/2017 | CERN openlab Explores New CPU/FPGA Processing Solutions |
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which began working in 2008, is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator; it is housed in an underground tunnel at CERN. Niko Neufeld is a deputy project leader at CERN who works on the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, which explores what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today. |
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13/04/2017 | CERN openlab Explores New CPU/FPGA Processing Solutions |
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which began working in 2008, is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator; it is housed in an underground tunnel at CERN. Niko Neufeld is a deputy project leader at CERN who works on the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, which explores what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today. |
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13/04/2017 | CERN openlab Explores New CPU/FPGA Processing Solutions |
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which began working in 2008, is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator; it is housed in an underground tunnel at CERN. Niko Neufeld is a deputy project leader at CERN who works on the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, which explores what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today. |
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13/04/2017 | CERN openlab Explores New CPU/FPGA Processing Solutions |
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which began working in 2008, is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator; it is housed in an underground tunnel at CERN. Niko Neufeld is a deputy project leader at CERN who works on the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, which explores what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today. |
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12/04/2017 | Huawei participa en la CeBIT 2017 en compañía de 100 asociados para fomentar la transformación digital |
En la CeBIT 2017, del 20 al 24 de marzo de 2017, Huawei está colaborando con 100 asociados para exponer estrategias y soluciones para la tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) bajo el tema "Liderando nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, el camino a la transformación digital". En el stand C30, con una superficie que excede los 3500 metros cuadrados, ubicado en el Hall 2 del Centro de Exposiciones de Hannover, Huawei está llevando a cabo demostraciones de TIC innovadora y presentando soluciones en áreas de exposiciones dedicadas a negocios, tecnología y ecosistema, además de compartir mejores prácticas y metodologías relacionadas con la transformación digital para contribuir al avance de los negocios digitales de sus clientes y asociados en todo el mundo. |
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