CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

Grid Entrepreneurship Day
Date published Author(s) Type
26/07/2006 EGEE business opportunities B. Jones Presentation
26/07/2006 Regional Case Studies in France and Switzerland B. Carchia, D. Loeffler Presentation
26/07/2006 EGEE Grid Technology Market Evaluation A. Efimov Presentation
26/07/2006 Partnering with Industry N. Hill Presentation
26/07/2006 Kerlabs: OS for an efficient cluster P. Gallard Presentation
26/07/2006 EGEE business opportunities B. Jones Presentation
26/07/2006 Knowledge and technology transfer at CERN B. Bressan Presentation
26/07/2006 Assessing the Market Potential of Technology N. Hill Presentation
26/07/2006 GRID Entrepreneurship day: Case Finland A. Heikkilä Presentation
26/07/2006 Developing a Spin-Out Company N. Hill Presentation
