CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

openlab III minor review meeting
Date published Author(s) Type
16/03/2010 WIND Project M. Hulboj Presentation
16/02/2010 Scaling results with Geant4 and ROOT minimization benchmarks Andrzej Nowak Presentation
16/02/2010 NHM-EX server overview and HEPSPEC results J. Leduc Presentation
16/02/2010 Database tests on NHM-EX E. Grancher Presentation
13th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research
Date published Author(s) Type
25/02/2010 My thoughts about parallelization in HEP A. Lazzaro Presentation
25/02/2010 The RooStats Project A. Lazzaro Presentation
22/02/2010 Multicore Computing A. Lazzaro Presentation
22/02/2010 Multicore Panel S. Jarp Presentation
22/02/2010 Parallelisation of likelihood function data analysis software based on RooFit package A. Lazzaro Technical document
ACAT Proceedings
Date published Author(s) Type
22/02/2010 Parallelisation of events generation for data analysis techniques A. Lazzaro Technical document
