CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

openlab IV minor review meeting 4
Date published Author(s) Type
12/06/2012 WIND status update - Internal V. Lapadatescu Presentation
12/06/2012 CERN openlab phase IV website M. Hickman Presentation
ECIS 2012, Barcelona
Date published Author(s) Type
11/06/2012 The World Wide LHC Computing Grid and its evolution B. Jones Presentation
ATLAS Software and Computing Week, CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
11/06/2012 The Growth of Commodity Computing and HEP Software A. Nowak Presentation
Intel-CERN technical meeting, CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
07/06/2012 Multithreaded Geant4 on KNC - Math and Profiling Overview A. Nowak Presentation
Oracle Global Research Strategy Meeting
Date published Author(s) Type
06/06/2012 Oracle Global Research Strategy Meeting B. Jones Presentation
IVI Summer Summit 2012
Date published Author(s) Type
05/06/2012 The LHC computing model and its evolution Bob Jones Presentation
CHEP 2012
Date published Author(s) Type
24/05/2012 Management of virtualized infrastructure for physics databases F. Chatal, L. Gallerani, M. Piorkowski, A. Topurov Technical document
24/05/2012 The Future of Commodity Computing and Many-core versus the Interests of HEP Software S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak Technical document
24/05/2012 Management of virtualized infrastructure for physics databases F. Chatal, L. Gallerani, M. Piorkowski , A. Topurov Technical document
