CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

Date published Author(s) Type
28/10/2016 Hue Application for Big Data Ingestion M. Bandić Technical document
24/10/2016 Explorer of Grid Load M. Sharma Technical document
14/10/2016 Distributed LHC Event-Topology Classification F. Presutti Technical document
13/10/2016 A Con figuration Management and Monitoring Toolkit for EOS and Kinetic Drive Cluster M. Arora Technical document
OpenStack Summit 2016
Date published Author(s) Type
25/10/2016 OpenStack at CERN T. Bell Presentation
Intel Software Professionals Conference
Date published Author(s) Type
18/10/2016 Software switching for the LHC experiments at CERN G. Jereczek Presentation
CHEP 2016
Date published Author(s) Type
13/10/2016 Acceleration of Cherenkov angle Reconstruction with the new Intel Xeon/FPGA compute platform for the particle identification in the LHCb Upgrade C. Färber Presentation
13/10/2016 cross kalman D.H. Campora Perez Presentation
13/10/2016 From Physics to Industry: EOS outside HEP X. Espinal Curull Presentation
13/10/2016 Engaging Industry for Innovation in the LHC run3-4 R&D program: CERN openlab M. Girone Presentation
