CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

2nd Thematic Workshop on Fabric Management
Date published Author(s) Type
01/07/2003 Managing the CERN LHC Tier0/Tier1 centre T. Cass Presentation
01/07/2003 Monitoring and Fault Tolerance H. Meinhard Presentation
01/07/2003 openlab Status and Plans 2003/2004 S. Jarp Presentation
01/07/2003 Managing Large Linux Farms at CERN T. Smith Presentation
01/07/2003 Physical Infrastructure Issues In A Large Centre T. Cass Presentation
01/07/2003 EM fabric management E. Meschi Presentation
01/07/2003 Towards automation of computing fabrics using tools from the fabric management workpackage of the EU DataGrid project M. Barroso Lopez Presentation
openlab Annual Board of Sponsor meeting 2003
Date published Author(s) Type
01/06/2003 openlab in the Context of CERN Partnerships and Sponsorships F.Grey Presentation
01/06/2003 Presentation of EU DataGrid and EGEE F.Gagliardi Presentation
01/06/2003 CERN and Globe of Innovation Project C.Wyss Presentation
