CERN Accelerating science

Oracle APEX in the CERN Java Cloud

Date published: 
Monday, 13 April, 2015
Document type: 
Journal paper
L. R. Fernandez
Usage of Oracle APEX at CERN is continuously evolving. CERN first started using the tool in 2005 with the first installations of the HTML DB. Since then, it has been used in all the areas of the organisation, from administrative applications to accelerators control systems. In the past few years we have accomplished two big milestones: the development of an application that centrally manages the Database Access Descriptors and most recently the integration of the APEX applications into the CERN SSO. The challenge now is to use Oracle APEX to move from a centrally managed infrastructure to a true ‘Platform as a Service’ in which the user becomes the owner of the service.
Event published at: 
OracleScene magazine, issue 56
Technical document file: