CERN Accelerating science

4th CERN openlab Numerical Computing Workshop

Monday, 5 May, 2014 (All day) to Tuesday, 6 May, 2014 (All day)

In the 4th edition of the annual CERN Numerical Computing workshop we will be focusing more on vectorization and the efficiency of floating point. Again, we are proud to welcome world-class experts as speakers:

  • Florent de Dinechin will cover the metalibm package and FPGA floating point,
  • Agner Fog will speak about vector classes and instruction throughput measurements (w/ hands-on labs),
  • Danilo Piparo will introduce HEP floating point computing and the VDT library,
  • Lorenzo Moneta will floating point cover issues related to data analysis,
  • Jeff Arnold will provide a solid base and refresher for floating-point computing on modern x86 and with the GCC/ICC compilers (w/ labs).

The special guest speaker will be Agner Fog, a performance programming specialist, whose instruction tables and optimization guides have been of great help to many of us:

An Indico page will be put up shortly – all classes will be held in Room 11 of the Technical Training Center (bldg. 593) starting at 9am.