CERN Accelerating science

openlab offficial BBQ

Wednesday, 17 July, 2013 - 17:00 to 20:00

Finally summer has reached Geneva and you are all invited to the CERN openlab summer student and supervisor annual bbq at the Prévessin bbq area on 17 July evening at 18:00 CET. Salads, meats and desserts will be served, the only thing you need to bring is whatever you would like to drink.

 The students have visits organised before the bbq (an email will be sent shortly) and a shuttle has been booked to drive them to the bbq place. However we would need some help to drive all of them back to the CERN hostel: feel free to let us know in the Doodle poll if you can help with this.

Thanks for signing the doodle poll by Sunday 14 July to let us know if you can or cannot attend:

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!