During the fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for the myriads of network devices.
The workshop is targeted people with good programming experience who would like to understand and control the floating-point calculations in their scientific programs.
The openlab student programme is open for applications from bachelor, master and PhD students in computer science and physics. Successful applicants will spend two months at CERN, during the period June to September 2012, to work with some of the latest hardware and software technologies.
The aim of this workshop is to give the attendees a practical introduction to performance optimization and monitoring on Linux, based on a good understanding of modern computer architectures.
In the context of the CERN openlab collaboration, Herbert Cornelius (Intel) will give an IT computing seminar at CERN on Monday 6 February, in the Council chamber at 16:00.