During the fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for the myriads of network devices.
Project Specification:
CERN is currently investigating the usage of data analysis technologies to study the behaviour of the industrial control systems. An activity related to these analysis is using Complex Event Processing (CEP) tools to classify a real abnormal behaviour from one generated by a human intervention on the system. In this study the Complex Event Processing classification is run over signals produced by variety of sensors and simulators. The selected tools is Esper.
Going beyond “seeing” the Higgs boson to “understanding” it is going to cause a data flood for CERN researchers, and its infrastructure services manager Tim Bell says that's pushed the outfit to increasingly look beyond its own iron.
For more than a year, Rackspace and CERN openlab have been exploring the feasibility of federating OpenStack clouds. Great progress has been made, such as the inclusion of code in OpenStack Icehouse to federate identity in multi-cloud environments.