This section gathers press coverage and other on-line articles relating to CERN openlab and its activities.
Further content can be found archived on the previous phases' website, here.
Date published | Title | Abstract | Article |
03/07/2013 | This Cloud Computing Vendor Is Helping Particle Physicists Unlock The Universe's Mysteries |
At the Geneva-based European organisation for Nuclear Research, better known by its French acronym CERN, physicists are working on projects that chip away at the universe’s mysteries. |
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03/07/2013 | CERN openlab richtet hybride Cloud mit Rackspace ein |
Das CERN verfügt zwar über gigantische Rechenkapazitäten, muss aber noch größere Datenmassen untersuchen. |
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02/07/2013 | CERN And Rackspace Become Allies For OpenStack Projects |
CERN has created openlab, a division aimed at making it possible to test emerging technologies that can help researchers. The division is coming up thanks to a partnership between CERN and Rackspace Hosting. |
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02/07/2013 | Rackspace, CERN collaborate on cloud federation |
One of the goals of the collaboration between hosting provider Rackspace and CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) is to produce a reference architecture for federated cloud services across Rackspace's public and private clouds and CERN's internal private cloud. |
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02/07/2013 | Rackspace y CERN openlab colaboran para ofrecer un “Big Bang” mediante una solución para entornos de nube híbrida |
Rackspace® Hosting (NYSE: RAX), la empresa de open cloud, ha suscrito un acuerdo de colaboración externa con CERN openlab. |
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02/07/2013 | Le CERN Openlab et RackSpace travaillent à une architecture de référence de fédération de clouds |
RackSpace signe un partenariat d’un an avec le CERN Openlab autour de la création d’une architecture de référence OpenStack portant sur la fédération de cloud. |
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02/07/2013 | Das Cern vertraut Rackspace den Bau einer Hybrid-Cloud an |
Mit seinem Teilchenbeschleuniger generiert das Cern jedes Jahr mehr als 25 Petabyte Daten. Diese sollen nun in einer Hybrid Cloud vom Open-Cloud-Spezialisten Rackspace gespeichert werden. |
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02/07/2013 | CERN planning OpenStack hybrid cloud strategy with Rackspace |
CERN openlab is running a pilot hybrid cloud project with Rackspace as the research facility seeks to enable the expansion of its OpenStack environment. |
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02/07/2013 | CERN plans OpenStack hybrid cloud strategy with Rackspace |
CERN openlab is running a pilot hybrid cloud project with Rackspace as the research facility seeks to enable the expansion of its OpenStack environment. |
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02/07/2013 | Rackspace and CERN Partner On Hybrid Cloud Computing System |
Rackspace Hosting has partnered with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), according to AllThingsD. CERN is known for building the Internet 20 years ago. CERN and Rackspace are building a hybrid cloud computing system. A hybrid cloud is when hardware powering the cloud is based in two different places. |
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