This section gathers press coverage and other on-line articles relating to CERN openlab and its activities.
Further content can be found archived on the previous phases' website, here.
Date published | Title | Abstract | Article |
09/03/2014 | Ensenada sede del ISUM 2014 |
Con la presentación de conferencias académicas y tecnológicas, talleres, la exhibición de carteles, una exposición tecnológica y mesas de trabajo sobre temas relacionados con supercómputo, visualización científica y aplicaciones, del 18 al 21 de marzo se realizará en Ensenada el quinto Congreso Internacional de Supercómputo en México (ISUM 2014), que organiza el CICESE, con la participación de la UABC y el CETYS. |
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07/03/2014 | Intels Rechenbolide in Zürich vorgestellt |
Chiphersteller Intel hat in Zürich seine neuen Top-Prozessoren der Familie Xeon E7 v2 vorgestellt. Intels Technikspezialist Bruno Riva zeigte die Zielmärkte auf, die Intel mit den Chips erreichen möchte und welche Vorteile die Prozesoren bieten. Rückendeckung erhielt er dabei vom Cern-Ingenieur Andrzej Novak. |
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05/03/2014 | The sky’s the limit for cloud computing |
Last week, iSGTW attended Cloudscape VI in Brussels, Belgium |
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26/02/2014 | Improving data analytics for better science |
The CERN Data Centre processes a staggering 1000 terabytes of data every day, which is the equivalent of around 210,000 DVDs. |
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25/02/2014 | Cloud for a Smart Economy and Smart Society at Cloudscape VI |
Cloudscape VI came to a close just moments ago. The event, which was held at the Microsoft Centre in Brussels, Belgium, featured much discussion of the legal aspects of cloud computing, as well as the potential benefits of cloud computing for both business and scientific research. |
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10/02/2014 | CERN openlab Summer Students 2015 (Member States and Non MS) |
CERN openlab Summer Students 2015 (Member States and Non MS)
Are you an undergraduate student, who will have completed at least three years of full-time studies at university level in Computer Science or Physics by next spring, interested in working on advanced IT projects for two full months (nine weeks) during the period June-September 2015? If so, you should apply to the CERN openlab Summer Student Programme
Find more at |
23/01/2014 | 'CERN membership can make Ireland a global hub for young scientists and leading innovators' Kelly |
Sean Kelly MEP and member of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee, has urgently requested a meeting with Dr Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research and the world’s top particle physics lab, to progress steps towards Ireland’s membership of CERN. |
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16/01/2014 | Tracking and joining billions of dots of data |
Work is under way to ensure that big data do not mean big headaches for researchers in the physical sciences |
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08/01/2014 | Tim Bell on the Importance of OpenStack for CERN |
Last month, local OpenStack users from France and Switzerland held a meeting at CERN. iSGTW discusses the event with Tim Bell, a member of the OpenStack management board and leader of the Operating Systems and Infrastructure Services group within CERN IT department. |
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17/10/2013 | 从世界末日到诺贝尔奖,再到华为 |
【赛迪网讯】2008年9月10日的前夜,一向睡眠质量良好的我,居然一反常态地失眠了。我不知道,明天我还会不会醒来,我不知道我,或者说我不知道这个世界还有没有明天…… |
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