CERN Accelerating science

Press Coverage

Date published Title Abstract Article
25/09/2013 基于客户需求创新 华为快速成为西欧企业ICT市场挑战者

C114讯 2013年9月25日,全球领先的信息与通信解决方案供应商华为,近日在荷兰为其西欧企业业务展厅揭幕,并举办了CIO高峰论坛以及渠道合作伙伴大会。华为专家、嘉宾与数百位欧洲ICT(信息与通信技术)精英、CIO、分析师、投资专家等分享企业ICT建设的进展、观点。在这一系列活动中,华为重申了华为和全球企业市场合作伙伴一起共建生态价值链,助力客户成功,促进当地社会可持续发展的承诺。

18/09/2013 EC Digital Agenda - Futurium: Interview of Bob Jones, Head of CERN openlab

Bob Jones, Head of CERN openlab, gave an interview on the Futurium Platform. He discusses the future of Scientific Computing and Big Data, while he also talked about CERN and the collaboration of the research center with the industry under the openlab project.Please find the links of the Interviews below:
Podcast 1 depicts a vision of the future of scientific computing and big data
Podcast 2 explores the possible changes in the policy framework
Podcast 3 discusses the experience of CERN in the collaboration with industry
Podcast 4 speaks of the future of federated cloud infrastructures

18/09/2013 Big data, big opportunities — for science and for enterprise

iSGTW speaks to CERN openlab’s Sverre Jarp, ahead of this month’s inaugural ISC Big Data conference in Heidelberg, Germany. Jarp, who is the general chair of the event, picks his highlights from the conference program and tells us why big data presents exciting opportunities, but also poses challenges, for enterprise and HPC alike. 

04/09/2013 Heidelberg Set to Host Inaugural ISC Big Data Conference

This month sees the launch of an exciting new conference series from ISC Events. The inaugural ISC Big Data conference is set to take place on 25-26 September in Heidelberg, Germany.

14/08/2013 Sverre Jarp: The Intersection of Big Data, Enterprise, and HPC

Sverre Jarp, the Chief Technology Officer in the CERN openlab, has been working in computing at CERN for over 35 years and has held both managerial and technical positions promoting advanced but cost-effective computing solutions for the Laboratory.

12/07/2013 Rackspace To Build a Cloud for CERN

CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics famous for chasing after the so-called God Particle these days, has tapped Rackspace to help it build a hybrid cloud computing system so capacity can be brought to bear on big workloads as needed.

08/07/2013 CERN openlab и Rackspace провеждат пилотен проект за хибриден облак с OpenStack

Това сътрудничество ще създаде референтна архитектура за ефективно управление на употребата на ресурси, насочени от публични облаци към частни облаци

05/07/2013 Rackspace’s hybrid cloud to help research origins of the universe

Yes, cloud computing is helping companies achieve new efficiencies and greater scale, and in some cases, reduce costs.

04/07/2013 CERN、OpenStackベースのハイブリッドクラウド導入を推進

CERN(欧州原子核研究機構)は、CERN openlabの新たな取り組みとして、米クラウド事業者のRackspaceと協力し、OpenStack環境の拡大を目指したハイブリッドクラウドのパイロットプロジェクトを始めることになった。

03/07/2013 CERN openlab richtet hybride Cloud mit Rackspace ein

Das CERN verfügt zwar über gigantische Rechenkapazitäten, muss aber noch größere Datenmassen untersuchen.
