01/01/2003 |
Network status and plans |
J.M.Jouanigot |
Visit from Enterasys |
01/12/2002 |
Gelato Overview |
S.Jarp |
openlab Management Unit, Progress meeting |
01/11/2002 |
opencluster Technical status |
S.Jarp |
Visit to CERN of Intel visitors |
01/11/2002 |
opencluster Technical status |
S.Jarp |
Visit to CERN of HP Laboratories visitors |
01/11/2002 |
openlab in short |
S.Jarp |
Presentation of IT activities to PPARC Technology Transfer visitors |
01/11/2002 |
LCG, EDG, openlab: respective positioning |
F.Fluckiger |
Visit to CERN of Intel visitors |
01/11/2002 |
openlab presentation |
W. von Rüden |
Visit to HP, USA |
01/10/2002 |
opencluster Project Outline: first draft |
S.Jarp |
openlab Management Unit, Progress meeting |
01/09/2002 |
The CERN openlab and the EDG |
M.Delfino |
First Tuesday event, October 2002 |
01/09/2002 |
CERN, the LHC and the Grid |
H.Hoffmann |
First Tuesday event |