CERN Accelerating science

List of Workshops

Workshops are regularly organised at CERN on advanced topics directly connected to the openlab projects. Most of these workshops have a special feature: they involve a mix of lecturers from both industry and CERN, thus exemplifying the CERN openlab principle of two-way knowledge transfer through active collaboration. Several of the workshops combine hands-off theory with hands-on practice. Special courses for advanced CERN users are also organised in addition to the regular quarterly courses.

Datesort ascending Location
CERN openlab / Intel workshop on TBB Wednesday, 29 November, 2017 (All day) to Thursday, 30 November, 2017 (All day) 593-R-010 - Salle 11 (CERN Technical Training Center).
Mini-Workshop on Floating-Point Computation Tuesday, 9 May, 2017 - 09:00 to 16:00
CERN openlab Workshop on Data Center Technologies and Infrastructures Wednesday, 1 March, 2017 (All day) 513-1-024
EOS workshop Thursday, 2 February, 2017 (All day) to Friday, 3 February, 2017 (All day) IT Amphitheatre
CERN openlab Technical Workshop Thursday, 8 December, 2016 (All day) to Friday, 9 December, 2016 (All day) IT Amphitheatre
BioDynaMo workshop Thursday, 1 December, 2016 (All day) to Friday, 2 December, 2016 (All day) 513-1-024
2nd CERN openlab/Intel hands-on workshop on code optimisation Thursday, 24 November, 2016 (All day) to Friday, 25 November, 2016 (All day) CERN 513-1-024
ICE-DIP closing workshop — public session Wednesday, 14 September, 2016 - 14:00 to 18:00 CERN 513-1-024
CERN openlab Machine Learning and Data Analytics workshop Friday, 29 April, 2016 (All day) IT Amphitheater
CERN openlab Mini-Workshop on Floating-Point Computation Thursday, 7 April, 2016 - 09:00 to 18:00 CERN
CERN openlab/Intel hands-on workshop on code optimisation Tuesday, 5 April, 2016 (All day) to Wednesday, 6 April, 2016 (All day) CERN
CERN openlab Technical workshop Thursday, 5 November, 2015 - 13:30 to Friday, 6 November, 2015 - 16:00 CERN IT Amphitheatre
CERN openlab Training Course: Programming and Environments for Parallelism Tuesday, 3 November, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 6 November, 2015 - 17:30
Future Computing Technology Wednesday, 28 October, 2015 - 11:00 to Friday, 30 October, 2015 - 12:00 CERN ( 222-R-001 - Filtration Plant )
CERN openlab Training Course: Computer architecture and hardware-software interaction Monday, 26 October, 2015 - 09:00 to Tuesday, 27 October, 2015 - 17:30
CERN openlab-Intel Software Tools Workshop 2015 Thursday, 9 July, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 10 July, 2015 - 17:00 CERN Technical Training Center
Identification of Complex Dynamical Systems with Neural Networks Monday, 27 April, 2015 - 09:00 to Wednesday, 29 April, 2015 - 12:30 To be confirmed
CERN openlab IT in Healthcare Workshop Tuesday, 11 November, 2014 (All day) CERN IT Auditorium
Thematic CERN School of Computing 2014 (tCSC2014) Sunday, 15 June, 2014 (All day) to Saturday, 21 June, 2014 (All day) University of Split, Croatia
Replication Technology Evolution for ATLAS Data Workshop Tuesday, 3 June, 2014 (All day) to Wednesday, 4 June, 2014 (All day) CERN, Buildings 31-S-023 & 600-R-002
