CERN Accelerating science

Collaborating with us

A whole new set of technology paradigms is emerging, from pervasive ultra-fast networks of smart sensors in ‘the internet of things’, to machine learning and ‘the optimisation of everything’. These technologies have the power to revolutionise the way big science is done, particularly in terms of data analysis and the control of engineering processes. They have enormous potential, not just for research, but also for wider society. The knowledge and expertise at CERN can play a key role in ensuring this potential is realised, with these technologies being put to use for the benefit of both science and society.

CERN openlab — with its research members across a range of scientific fields and its unique collaboration with several of the world’s leading ICT companies — is ideally positioned to help make this a reality. Together, we can share a vision for the future of scientific computing.

Company membership of CERN openlab can be as a partner, contributor, or associate. Each status represents a different level of investment. Find out more in our brochure below.