CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

Date published Author(s) Type
06/09/2016 OAuth protocol for CERN Web Applications E. Kleszcz Technical document
05/09/2016 Modernizing the Monitoring of Mass Storage systems R. Gupta Technical document
02/09/2016 daq-software-switching v1.0 G. Jereczek Technical document
01/09/2016 RapidIO and Multicast: Investigations using a real-time chat D. Padmadas Technical document
31/08/2016 Database Consistency Verification for CMS metadata S. Gupta Technical document
31/08/2016 Shadowserver reports automated tool V. Janevski Technical document
30/08/2016 HEP Application Delivery on HPC Resources T. Shaffer Technical document
29/08/2016 Test of Oracle JSON support in the view of CMS JSON data S. S. Baveja Technical document
29/08/2016 Kibana, Grafana and Zeppelin on Monitoring data I. Nurgaliev Technical document
GridKa School 2016
Date published Author(s) Type
30/08/2016 GridKA School 2016 OpenStack @ CERN J. Castro Leon Presentation
