CERN Accelerating science

Development of Favorite Collections & Visualizing User Search Queries in CERN Document Server (CDS)

Date published: 
Sunday, 1 September, 2013
Document type: 
Summer student report
A. Sharma
Invenio is an open source web-based application that implements a digital library or document server, and it's used at CERN as the base of the CERN Document Server Institutional Repository and the Inspire High Energy Physics Subject Repository. The purpose of this project was to add a new feature to CDS, through which users could manage their own favorite collections on top of existing ones. My work involved adding new features to the WebSearch module, so as to achieve the stated objectives. Later on, another task was to parse user searched queries so as to provide end-users with a visualized pattern of search, involving global searched terms or terms popular for a particular collection.