CERN Accelerating science

Characterisation of HEP database applications,Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics

Date published: 
Thursday, 24 May, 2012
Document type: 
Conference paper
E. Grancher
M. Piorkowski
A. Topurov
Oracle-based database applications underpin many key aspects of operations for both the LHC accelerator and the LHC experiments. In addition to the overall performance, the predictability of the response is a key requirement to ensure smooth operations and delivering predictability requires understanding the applications from the ground up. Fortunately, database management systems provide several tools to check, measure, analyse and gather useful information. We present our experiences characterising the performance of several typical HEP database applications performance characterisations that were used to deliver improved predictability and scalability as well as for optimising the hardware platform choice as we migrated to new hardware and Oracle 11g.
Event published at: 
CHEP 2012