CERN Accelerating science

List of Workshops

Workshops are regularly organised at CERN on advanced topics directly connected to the openlab projects. Most of these workshops have a special feature: they involve a mix of lecturers from both industry and CERN, thus exemplifying the CERN openlab principle of two-way knowledge transfer through active collaboration. Several of the workshops combine hands-off theory with hands-on practice. Special courses for advanced CERN users are also organised in addition to the regular quarterly courses.

Datesort ascending Location
CERN openlab and Intel Numerical Computing workshop Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 (All day) to Wednesday, 26 September, 2012 (All day) eg. CERN Building 593, Room 11
The Performance Dimensions of PC Servers Tuesday, 10 July, 2012 (All day) ISPA'12, Madrid, Spain
Intel / CERN openlab workshop on Advanced Parallelism Tuesday, 3 July, 2012 (All day) to Wednesday, 4 July, 2012 (All day) 593-11
CERN openlab / Intel Spring 2012 Multi-threading and Parallelism Workshop Monday, 4 June, 2012 - 09:00 to Tuesday, 5 June, 2012 - 17:00
CERN openlab / Intel Winter 2012 Computer Architecture and Performance Tuning Workshop Wednesday, 15 February, 2012 - 09:00 to Thursday, 16 February, 2012 - 17:00
CERN openlab / Intel - Winter 2012 Numerical Computing Workshop Tuesday, 7 February, 2012 - 09:00 to Wednesday, 8 February, 2012 - 17:00
