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openlab V [2015-2017]
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ICE-DIP Project
More information about the ICE-DIP project can be found
Related content
Technical document
A Lossless Network for Data Acquisition
A high-performance portable abstract interface for explicit SIMD vectorization
A system-level model for high-speed,radiation-hard optical links in HEP experiments based on silicon Mach-Zender modulators
daq-software-switching v1.0
Silicon Photonic Components for Optical Data Links in High Energy Physics Experiments
Data Acquisition at CERN: A Future Challenge
Design of Si-photonic structures to evaluate their radiation hardness dependence on design parameters
Evaluating the transport layer of the ALFA framework for the Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor
Evaluation of ‘OpenCL for FPGA’ for Acceleration and DAQ in HEP
CERN’s LHC Explores Silicon Photonics for Data links
Design of Si-Photonic structures and evaluation of their radiation hardness dependence on design parameters
A Lossless Switch for Data Acquisition Networks
Analogues between tuning TCP for Data Acquisition and Datacenter Networks
Optimizing the Transport Layer of the Alfa Framework for the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor
Evaluation of ‘OpenCL for FPGA’ for Data Acquisition and Acceleration in High Energy Physics
Analogues between tuning TCP for Data Acquisition and Datacenter Networks
Dynamically Adaptive Header Generator and Front- End Source Emulator for a 100 Gbps FPGA based DAQ
CERN openlab Whitepaper on Future IT Challenges in Scientific Research
Many-core Processors in High Energy Physics
ICE-DIP project
Comparison of the radiation hardness of silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators for different DC bias voltages
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Comparison of the radiation hardness of silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators for different DC bias voltages
Data transfer for manycore processors for hight throughput computing at CERN
A Lossless Network for Data Acquisition
Shared memory and Message passing revisited in the many-core era
Extending ZeroMQ and/or NanoMSG with support for SCIF
Radiation Hard Silicon Photonics Devices for Future High Speed Optical Links
A Lossless Switch for Data Acquisition Networks
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Simulation and Design of Si-Photonic Mach-Zehnder Modulators for radiation hardness testing
High Performance I/O with the ZeroMQ (ØMQ) Messaging Library
Presentation of explicit vectorization approach using SIMD types
The ICE-DIP project at CERN and my role
Optimizing the Transport Layer of ALFA on the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
Exciting New Technologies Being Researched in CERN openlab V
Evaluation of 'OpenCL for FPGA' for DAQ and Acceleration in HEP applications
A seminar on CERN experiments and how vectorization impacts the software performance
Introductory presentation and early Knight's Corner instruction set evaluation results
ESR2: Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs
CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics
Przyszłość w CERN
ICE-DIP Project: Research on Data Transport for Manycore Processors for Next Generation DAQs
ICE-DIP Project: Research on Data Transport for Manycore Processors for Next Generation DAQs
The ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Data Acquisition Networks for Large Experiments
WP2 - Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs
ICE-DIP project: Parallel Processing on Many-Core Processors
CERN:Chances, opportunities, challenges
My Career Path
Dynamically Adaptive Header Generator and Front-End Source Emulator for a 100 Gbps FPGA based DAQ
Science and Society: the Impact on Computing at CERN on Society
ICE-DIP Introduction
CERN openlab: un Modelo para la Investigación, Innovación y Colaboración
Overview PhoeniX Software
Big Science Meets Big Data
ICE-DIP project comes to a close with workshop held at CERN
ICE-DIP closing workshop — public session
Follow the CERN openlab Open Day online
CERN openlab publishes a whitepaper on future IT challenges in scientific research
Do not miss tomorrow's webcast on the impact of computing at CERN on society
Improving data analytics for better science
CERN openlab IT challenges workshop is paving the way for phase V
New format for the openlab Minor Review meetings - starting today
Are you interested in learning about how the Grid works?
CERN openlab Major Review goes over last semester’s results
Board of Sponsors 2013 to set new future challenges
CERN openlab's and Intel's ICE-DIP project is presented to Androulla Vassiliou, the EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
The ICE-DIP project is recruiting five Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)!
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Press coverage
Improving data analytics for better science
'CERN membership can make Ireland a global hub for young scientists and leading innovators' Kelly
Tracking and joining billions of dots of data
EC Digital Agenda - Futurium: Interview of Bob Jones, Head of CERN openlab
ICE-DIP Project presentation to the EU Commissioner
Science and Society: the Impact of Computing at CERN on Society by Bob Jones, head of CERN openlab
ICE-DIP project kick-off meeting
ICE-DIP closing workshop — public session
CERN openlab technology update seminar (Minor Review)
Press Release
CERN openlab publishes a whitepaper on future IT challenges in scientific research