This section gathers press coverage and other on-line articles relating to CERN openlab and its activities.
Further content can be found archived on the previous phases' website, here.
Date published | Title | Abstract | Article |
07/06/2013 | Denkanstöße mit Blick in die Zukunft |
Mitte Mai luden der dpunkt.Verlag, heise Developer und die iX Entwickler zur parallel 2013 ein, um Softwareentwicklern ein Bild zu wichtigen Themen der parallelen und nebenläufigen Programmierung geben. Rund 160 Interessierte aus Industrie und Forschung folgten zum zweiten Mal dem Ruf nach Karlsruhe. |
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02/06/2013 | Le Google russe turbine pour le CERN |
Yandex est le moteur de recherche le plus utilisé dans l’espace russophone. Mais c’est aussi la seule entreprise russe partenaire du CERN openlab. Retour sur deux ans de collaboration. |
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21/05/2013 | How CERN is working with the ICT industry to find solutions for the Large Hadron Collider |
We talk to Bob Jones, who heads up CERN’s openlab project, a partnership between CERN and ICT companies to drive forward data-intensive solutions for the needs of the scientific community working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. |
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07/05/2013 | BI + DATA ANALYTICS = BIG DATA |
Just one look at the cover is enough to tell you that our latest edition of FOCUS – Issue 29 - is all about big data. But what is big data and why is it of such interest? I visited CERN to find out (..) |
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13/03/2013 | Measuring the Success of European E-infrastructures |
Last week, the 10th e-Infrastructure Concertation Meeting took place. |
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04/03/2013 | Mit CAM bis in den Mikrometerbereich |
Mit der konventionellen Art, Teile herzustellen, waren viele Bearbeitungen aufgrund der Komplexität und der Qualitätsansprüche an die Prototypen nur mit sehr grossem Arbeitsaufwand oder gar nicht möglich. |
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13/02/2013 | Supercomputer-Konferenz kündigt Datenmassen-Ableger an |
Die Organisatoren der Internationalen Supercomputer-Konferenz ISC wollen aber diesem Jahr eine neue Spezialtagung ausrichten, die sich mit der Analyse großer Datenmassen (Big Data) beschäftigt. Die „ISC Big Data“ soll am 25. und 26. September 2013 in Heidelberg stattfinden. |
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13/02/2013 | ISC Introduces Big Data Conference |
ISC events, the organizers of the ISC’13 International Supercomputing Conference and ISC Cloud have announced a new conference series – the ISC Big Data Conference. |
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13/02/2013 | ISC Introduces Big Data Conference |
ISC events, the organizers of the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) and ISC Cloud proudly announce a new conference series – the ISC Big Data Conference |
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13/02/2013 | CERN and Oracle celebrate 30 years of collaboration |
On Friday 1 February, 2013, CERN and Oracle celebrated 30 years of collaboration. In addition to providing hardware and software to CERN for three decades, Oracle has now been involved in the CERN openlab project for 10 years. |
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