This section gathers press coverage and other on-line articles relating to CERN openlab and its activities.
Further content can be found archived on the previous phases' website, here.
Date published | Title | Abstract | Article |
01/07/2013 | Rackspace, CERN partner on OpenStack projects |
The womb of the web to scale up to 15,000 hypervisors someday. |
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01/07/2013 | CERN, Rackspace Collaborate on Hybrid Cloud |
CERN has entered an agreement with cloud provider Rackspace to develop a hybrid cloud based on OpenStack. The agreement falls under the auspices of CERN's openlab, a joint public/private partnership that gives CERN a chance to get its hands on new technology, while vendors get feedback on products used in the IT infrastructure that supports CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Other openlab partners include HP, Huawei and Intel. |
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01/07/2013 | Rackspace (RAX +2.1%) lands another big OpenStack customer: major European research organization |
Rackspace (RAX +2.1%) lands another big OpenStack customer: major European research organization CERN will rely on Rackspace to create an OpenStack-based hybrid cloud. |
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01/07/2013 | Big Bang with Hybrid Cloud at CERN |
OpenStack Founder Rackspace Joins CERN openlab as a Contributor - See more at: |
Article on ITnation |
01/07/2013 | Rackspace and CERN openlab Collaborate to Deliver “Big Bang” with Hybrid Cloud |
SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rackspace® Hosting (NYSE: RAX), the open cloud company, today announced it has entered into a contributor agreement with CERN openlab. |
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01/07/2013 | CERN planning OpenStack hybrid cloud strategy with Rackspace |
CERN openlab is running a pilot hybrid cloud project with Rackspace as the research facility seeks to enable the expansion of its OpenStack environment. |
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01/07/2013 | Rackspace joins Cern openlab to develop federated clouds for LHC research |
European physics laboratory Cern is working with Rackspace on a project to link together multiple clouds used by the site along with other research centres and public cloud computing resources, in order to provide scientists with the compute power to research data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). |
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01/07/2013 | Rackspace and CERN collaborate on massive OpenStack hybrid cloud |
CERN openlab is working with Rackspace to build and deploy a massive hybrid cloud that could prove OpenStack’s worth in huge research applications. |
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19/06/2013 | El Big Data al servicio de la ciencia en el CERN |
El CERN acoge el acelerador de partículas Large Hadron Collider (LHC), posiblemente la máquina más grande que se ha construido jamás. Este anillo superconductor de 27 kilómetros está situado en un túnel 100 metros bajo la frontera entre Francia y Suiza, cerca de Ginebra. Al colisionar protones a casi la velocidad de la luz, el LHC ofrece una visión inédita de la estructura de la materia y de la historia de nuestro Universo |
Article on EL PAÍS |
10/06/2013 | El BDigital Global Congress girarà al voltant del Big Data |
Entre els propers dimecres dia 12 i divendres 14, Barcelona tornarà a acollir una nova edició del BDigital Global Congress, el congrés sobre tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) que se celebrarà, com en les darreres edicions, en el CaixaForum de la ciutat comtal. |
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