CERN Accelerating science

Technical Documents

Date published Document type Title Author(s) pdf
24/08/2012 Summer student report Puppet Firewall Module and Landb Integration A. Andronidis
24/08/2012 Summer student report Implementation of Rota tool, DAD edit and frame for account actions management in Oracle APEX J. Sadlo
20/08/2012 Summer student report Media structure modifications in Invenio A. Boulmier
17/08/2012 Summer student report Experimentation of message passing system in Oracle, for the CASTOR Project A. Gupta
17/08/2012 Summer student report Detect Unpatched Web Applications D. Jovanovski
17/08/2012 Summer student report Indico - Offline Event Storage A-C. L. Siqueira
17/08/2012 Summer student report FTS parameter transfer optimisation Z. Chen
18/07/2012 CERN openlab report Report on parallelization of MLfit benchmark using OpenMP and MPI S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak, L. Valsan
24/05/2012 Conference paper Many-core experience with HEP software at CERN openlab S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak
24/05/2012 Poster Characterisation of HEP database applications E. Grancher, M. Piorkowski, A. Topurov
24/05/2012 Conference paper Management of virtualized infrastructure for physics databases F. Chatal, L. Gallerani, M. Piorkowski , A. Topurov
24/05/2012 Poster Management of virtualized infrastructure for physics databases F. Chatal, L. Gallerani, M. Piorkowski, A. Topurov
24/05/2012 Conference paper The Future of Commodity Computing and Many-core versus the Interests of HEP Software S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak
24/05/2012 Conference paper Characterisation of HEP database applications,Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics E. Grancher, M. Piorkowski, A. Topurov
23/03/2012 Poster Many-core experience with HEP software at CERN openlab A. Nowak
16/03/2012 CERN openlab report Evaluation of the Intel Sandy Bridge-EP server processor S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak
05/03/2012 White paper Benchmarking ROOT Mirela-Madalina Botezatu
02/11/2011 Conference paper Parallel Likelihood Function Evaluation on Heterogeneous Many-core Systems A. Lazzaro, S. Jarp, J. Leduc, A. Nowak, Y. Sneen Lindal
12/09/2011 Summer student report Volunteer computing at CERN D. Dorneanu
09/09/2011 Summer student report Central Data Warehouse for Grid Monitoring I.G. Bucur
