CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

openlab II technical review meetings
Date published Author(s) Type
18/03/2008 Perfmon2 overview A. Nowak Presentation
18/03/2008 Analysis of low-level CPU events X. Grehant Presentation
19/02/2008 Review of the parallel High Level Trigger benchmark using multithreading and/or SSE H. Bjerke Presentation
19/02/2008 Overview of the available 128-bit Streaming SIMD (SSE) instructions on Core 2 processors S. Jarp Presentation
iCSC (inverted CERN School of Computing) - CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
05/03/2008 Scalable Image and Video Coding J. Dana Perez Presentation
04/03/2008 Platforms I: Advanced Architectural Features A. Nowak Presentation
04/03/2008 Multicore Architecture A. Nowak Presentation
04/03/2008 Platforms II: Special-Purpose Accelerators A. Nowak Presentation
ProCurve VIP Event CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
20/02/2008 ProCurve VIP Event CERN W. von Rüden Presentation
Date published Author(s) Type
19/02/2008 Strategies for increasing data centre power efficiency A. Hirstius, S. Jarp, A. Nowak Technical document
