CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

ALICE Workshop on Advanced Programming, CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
06/12/2008 SIMD Programming tutorial H. Bjerke Presentation
UKOUG conference - Birmingham - UK
Date published Author(s) Type
03/12/2008 Learning from failures, design errors, problematic recoveries and downtimes of Oracle databases, experience at CERN E. Grancher Presentation
02/12/2008 CERN experience with Virtualization of Oracle RAC with Native Xen and Oracle VM A. Topurov Presentation
02/12/2008 Oracle and Storage IOs, explanations, experience at CERN and SSD tests E. Grancher Presentation
Date published Author(s) Type
01/12/2008 Increasing Power Efficiency of Computer Centres G. Balazs Technical document
01/12/2008 Performance Monitoring of Production Batch Servers G. Balazs Technical document
CERN Computer Newsletter
Date published Author(s) Type
25/11/2008 CERN openlab welcomes Siemens as latest partner R. Barillère Technical document
openlab II technical review meetings
Date published Author(s) Type
18/11/2008 openlab cluster configuration update A. Hirstius Presentation
18/11/2008 Analysis of memory consumption in physics frameworks J. Arnold Presentation
18/11/2008 An update on the track finder benchmark H. Bjerke Presentation
