CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

CERN openlab Board of Sponsors, CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
03/04/2009 Experimental particle physics on the eve of operation of ATLAS/CMS at the LHC D. Froidevaux Presentation
03/04/2009 What we have we learned from building the LHC DAQ systems? S. Cittolin Presentation
02/04/2009 From openlab II to III , from tactics to strategy M. Marinucci (Oracle) Presentation
02/04/2009 CERN openlab overall status F. Flückiger Presentation
02/04/2009 Personal Evolution at CERN openlab A. Nowak Presentation
02/04/2009 'Why we are in the openlab' - A newcomer's perspective T. Hahn (Siemens) Presentation
02/04/2009 Status and plans in communications M. Le Jeune Presentation
02/04/2009 Intel and CERN: openlab II to openlab III S. Gillich (Intel) Presentation
02/04/2009 A PhD with openlab X. Gréhant Presentation
02/04/2009 Summary of technical achievements in 2008 S. Jarp Presentation
