CERN Accelerating science


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Date published:
Tuesday, 4 November, 2014

Date published:
Tuesday, 4 November, 2014

Date published:
Monday, 3 November, 2014

And the first OpenStack Superuser Award goes to... CERN!

More information available here.

Date published:
Friday, 26 September, 2014

Date published:
Friday, 19 September, 2014

During the symposium for the 60th anniversary of the first CERN council, the work of CERN openlab was highlighted in the technology transfer talk given by Horst Wenninger (minutes:1:47:57-1:49:54).

Date published:
Monday, 30 June, 2014

Federated and interoperable OpenStack clouds are on the horizon, as code development work, led by a CERN research fellow sponsored by Rackspace as part of a CERN openlab project, has been included in the latest OpenStack release, Icehouse.

Full article on

Video link 
