CERN Accelerating science

Sponsors Spotlights

Title: Date published Abstract Partner
From Gigabytes to Petabytes: Managing a Tremendous Amount of Data 4 Dec 2015 With the explosion of social media, the IoT and high resolution image files and videos, the world is storing more data than ever before. Comtrade
Using Modern Code to Simulate Brain Development: Interview with Roman Bauer, Research Associate at Newcastle University 3 Dec 2015 Roman Bauer discusses using computer modeling to simulate brain development in his research for finding a cure for neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, and autism. Intel
Interview with Mathieu Gravey, Grand Prize Winner of the Intel® Modern Code Developer Challenge 3 Dec 2015 Mathieu Gravey discusses his participation in the Intel® Modern Code Developer Challenge and excitement at winning the Grand Prize of an internship at CERN openlab. Intel
Top Things Developers will Experience at Intel HPC Developer Conference 25 Nov 2015 In just a matter of days (November 14 and 15 to be precise) Intel will host its annual Intel® HPC Developer Conference for the builders and creators that hold high performance computing near and dear Intel
La France et l’Europe Mises à l’Honneur à Travers les Résultats du concours Intel® Modern Code Developer 20 Nov 2015 Organisé ces derniers mois en collaboration avec le CERN openlab, le concours Intel® Modern Code Developer vient de dévoiler ses résultats, au terme d’une forte participation qui a compté quelques 17 Intel
Fact Sheet: Bringing the Power of HPC Mainstream 16 Nov 2015 Nov. Intel
Bringing the Power of HPC Mainstream 16 Nov 2015 Nov. Intel
What do you need to unlock the secrets of the universe? 13 Oct 2015 CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world’s largest particle physics laboratory and home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most advanced and powerful particle ac Seagate
Top Intel® Software Developer Stories | October 7 Oct 2015 1. Improving Brain Research Worldwide through the Intel® Modern Code Developer Challenge Intel
Intel Invite les Jeunes Développeurs dans un Concours d’Optimisation de Code en Vue de Contribuer à Faire Avancer la Recherche sur les Maladies et Troubles du Cerveau 30 Sep 2015 Jusqu’au 29 octobre, l’Intel® Modern Code Developer Challenge invite les étudiants en programmation d’un large éventail de pays à travers le monde à faire travailler leurs petites cellules grises. Intel
