CERN Accelerating science

Press Coverage

Date published Title Abstract Article
21/03/2017 Huawei al CeBIT 2017 insieme a 100 partner per promuovere la Digital Transformation

All’edizione 2017 di CeBIT che si tiene dal 20 al 24 marzo, Huawei presenta, insieme a 100 partner, strategie e soluzioni ICT all’insegna del tema “Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation”. Presso lo stand C30 – uno spazio di 3.500 metri quadrati situato all’interno del Padiglione 2 del Centro Espositivo di Hannover – Huawei introduce innovative soluzioni ICT, attraverso aree espositive dedicate al business, alla tecnologia e all’ecosistema, e condivide best practice di trasformazione digitale e metodologie volte a supportare clienti e partner in tutto il mondo nel percorso di evoluzione digitale del loro business.

21/03/2017 Huawei and Deutsche Telekom Share Open Telekom Cloud Success Stories and Future Plans at CeBIT 2017

At CeBIT 2017 held at Hannover, Germany, Huawei and Deutsche Telekom today shared their latest developments and future plans for the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). Since its commercial launch in 2016, the jointly-developed solution has been enhanced with 50 new flavours and new services, providing enterprises with a comprehensive set of cloud services. Furthermore, the partners announced to join forces to tackle the IoT hardware market.

21/03/2017 Huawei nimmt mit 100 Partnerunternehmen an der CeBIT 2017 teil, um digitale Transformation zu fördern

Bei der CeBIT 2017 ist Huawei vom 20. bis zum 24. März 2017 mit 100 Geschäftspartnern zugegen, um IKT-Strategien und -Lösungen unter dem Motto "Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation" (Führend in neuer IKT auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation) vorzustellen. An Stand C30 in Halle 2 der Deutschen Messe in Hannover führt Huawei auf einer Gesamtfläche von mehr als 3.500 Quadratmetern innovative IKT und Lösungen für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Ökosysteme vor und informiert über Best Practices und Methoden für digitale Transformation, um globalen Kunden und Partnern zu helfen, ihr digitales Geschäft voranzubringen

21/03/2017 Huawei and Deutsche Telekom unveil success stories and future plans for the OpenTech Cloud at CeBIT 2017

Hannover, Deutschland (ots/PRNewswire) - Huawei und Deutsche Telekom haben auf der CeBIT 2017, die in Hannover (Deutschland) stattfindet, ihre neuesten Entwicklungen und Zukunftspläne für die Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) präsentiert. Seit der Marktvorstellung 2016 wurde die gemeinsam entwickelte Lösung mit 50 neuen Varianten und neuen Services aufgewertet und bietet Unternehmen ein umfassendes Paket an Cloud-Services. Die Partner haben außerdem angekündigt, dass man bei der Erschließung des IoT-Hardwaremarkts zusammenarbeiten will.

20/03/2017 Huawei participa da CeBIT 2017 com 100 parceiras para promover a transformação digital

Na CeBIT 2017, de 20 a 24 de março de 2017, a Huawei se associa a 100 parceiras para expor estratégias e soluções da tecnologia da informação e das comunicações (TIC), sob o tema “Liderando a nova TIC, o caminho para a transformação digital” (“Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation“). Em um estande de mais de 3.500 metros quadrados, localizado em C30 do Salão 2 do Centro de Exposições de Hannover, a Huawei está demonstrando a TIC e soluções inovadoras nas áreas de exposição de negócios, tecnologia e do ecossistema e está compartilhando melhores práticas e metodologias de transformação digital, para ajudar os clientes e parceiras globais a promover seus negócios digitais.

20/03/2017 At CeBIT 2017 Visitors Experience how Huawei is Advancing the Digital Society – Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation

At CeBIT 2017, Huawei today defined how it is helping organizations succeed in the digital era under the theme: “Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation”. CeBIT 2017, the internationally renowned trade fair for information technology, will be held from March 20 to 24, 2017. In a booth of over-3500 square meters located at C30 in Hall 2 of the Hannover Exhibition Center, Huawei is exhibiting innovative ICT and solutions across business, technology, and ecosystems, and is sharing digital transformation best practices and methodologies to help global customers and partners advance their digital businesses.

20/03/2017 CERN puts particle physics into the cloud

Kathy Gibson reports from CeBit in Hannover – Doubts that public cloud services are able to handle just about any workloads can be laid to rest with the news that CERN breaks out into the cloud when it needs more power to boost its own IT systems. Tim Bell, compute and monitoring group leader at CERN IT, explains that the organisation is the European centre for particle physics research. Most of the centre is underground, where a 27km ring fires beams of protons.

12/03/2017 希捷发布业界最广泛的8TB硬盘产品组合


06/03/2017 Technical workshops prepare ground for CERN openlab VI

Last week, CERN openlab hosted the first of three technical workshops in preparation for the collaboration’s next three-year phase, which starts in 2018. These workshops bring together researchers and representatives of leading ICT companies to discuss the challenges that the high-energy physics community and other fields of ‘big science’ will face over the coming years.

03/03/2017 CeBIT 2017,华为憋着哪些大招?

作为“数字商务的全球盛会”,2017国际消费电子信息及通信博览会(CeBIT 2017)以“数字经济——永无止境”为主题,定位为经济、公共管理和社会数字化及数字化转型的旗舰活动,为参与塑造数字化转型的决策者提供方向。华为将连续第七年参与这一国际顶级盛会,携手50多家合作伙伴和客户,从商业、技术、生态三大维度展示和分享基于云计算、大数据、物联网、SDN等领域的创新ICT 技术和解决方案,以及在智慧城市、金融、电力、交通、制造等行业的成功实践,交流与探索数字化变革的路径与方法。
