CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

Second International Workshop for Future Challenges in Tracking and Trigger Concepts
Date published Author(s) Type
07/07/2011 Algorithmic Challenges in the LHC Data Analysis A. Lazzaro Presentation
07/07/2011 OpenCL: Portable programming at the right or the wrong level? Yngve Sneen Lindal Presentation
Date published Author(s) Type
01/07/2011 Evaluation of the Intel Westmere-EX server processor S. Jarp, A. Lazzaro, J. Leduc, A. Nowak Technical document
USI 2011 - For Information Technologies that transform our society, 28-29 June, Paris - Casablanca
Date published Author(s) Type
28/06/2011 Mystères de l’univers: des réponses cachées dans des milliards de pétaoctets W. von Rüden Presentation
openlab III Minor Review Meeting, 28 June, CERN
Date published Author(s) Type
28/06/2011 New Vector/AVX2 Instructions in the Intel64 Instruction Set Architecture S. Jarp Presentation
28/06/2011 Replication solutions for Oracle database 11g Z. Baranowski Presentation
Workshop on Future Computing in Particle Physics, e-Science Institute, Edinburgh (UK)
Date published Author(s) Type
15/06/2011 Implementing parallel algorithms for data analysis in the ROOT/RooFit package Sverre Jarp, Alfio Lazzaro, Julien Leduc,Yngve Sneen Lindal, Andrzej Nowak Presentation
15/06/2011 Experiences on using GPU accelerators for data analysis in ROOT/RooFit Sverre Jarp, Alfio Lazzaro, Julien Leduc, Yngve Sneen Lindal, Andrzej Nowak Presentation
12th International Workshop on parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (IPDPS11), Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Date published Author(s) Type
20/05/2011 Evaluation of Likelihood Functions for Data Analysis on Graphics Processing Units A. Lazzaro Presentation
Intel Exascale Leadership Conference, 18 May, CERN Globe for Science and Innovation
Date published Author(s) Type
18/05/2011 Today's Worldwide Computing Grid for the Large Hadron Collider (WLCG): A Petascale Facility - Moving to Exascale? S. Jarp Presentation
