CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

openlab Annual Board of Sponsor meeting 2003
Date published Author(s) Type
01/03/2003 CASTOR: CERN’s data management system B.Couturier Presentation
openlab Management Unit, Progress meeting
Date published Author(s) Type
01/02/2003 Reflections on openlab development F.Grey Presentation
01/12/2002 Gelato Overview S.Jarp Presentation
openlab operational meeting
Date published Author(s) Type
01/02/2003 openlab 10 Gbps challenge S.Jarp Presentation
Visit from Enterasys
Date published Author(s) Type
01/01/2003 opencluster status and plans S.Jarp Presentation
01/01/2003 Communications plans F.Grey Presentation
01/01/2003 LCG, EDG, openlab: respective positioning F.Fluckiger Presentation
01/01/2003 Network status and plans J.M.Jouanigot Presentation
01/01/2003 IA-64 benchmarks S.Jarp Presentation
Visit to CERN of Intel visitors
Date published Author(s) Type
01/11/2002 LCG, EDG, openlab: respective positioning F.Fluckiger Presentation
