CERN Accelerating science


CERN openlab results are disseminated in a wide range of international conferences. The presentations and reports are regularly updated (RSS feeds available at the bottom of the page).

5th Thematic Workshop on Industrializing the Grid
Date published Author(s) Type
01/06/2005 ELF Industrialization plans G. Cancio Presentation
01/06/2005 Status and Future of the EGEE project B. Jones Presentation
01/06/2005 Experience of adding new architectures to the LCG production environment S. Jarp Presentation
01/06/2005 Avenues for openlab evolution F. Fluckiger Presentation
01/06/2005 CGG as an industrial user of the EGEE infrastructure D. Thomas Presentation
4th Thematic Workshop on Security
Date published Author(s) Type
01/04/2005 GRID Authentication and Authorization Issues Akos Frohner Presentation
01/04/2005 CERN's Computer Security Challenges D. Heagerty Presentation
01/04/2005 Single Sign-On across Web Services E. Artiaga Presentation
01/04/2005 SPAM Fighting at CERN E. Ormancey Presentation
Visit to HP Labs Bristol
Date published Author(s) Type
01/03/2005 Overview of HEP software & LCG from the openlab perspective A. Unterkircher Presentation
