On the 26th of September, the CERN openlab Major Review took place at CERN. The people involved in CERN openlab discussed last semester’s outcomes and the new research challenges for the following years of the collaboration.
The morning session focused on the recent developments in the on-going projects hosted by the CERN openlab competence centres. The people involved in the HP, Huawei, Intel, Oracle, Siemens, Rackspace and Yandex projects presented the current status of their research and received feedback from the participants of the Major Review Meeting.
A short management update followed the project presentations. Mélissa Gaillard talked about the current activities of the Communications Office, while Alberto di Meglio reviewed the edition 2013 of the CERN openlab summer student programme. The last session of the Major Review was built on the ideas presented at the Board of Sponsors meeting to explore new use cases and organisational models for the next CERN openlab phase. Bob Jones and Alberto di Meglio discussed the future IT challenges CERN will face and how CERN openlab activities can be aligned accordingly.
Currently, CERN openlab is in the second year of its fourth phase. This phase addresses topics critical to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for myriads of network devices.