During the fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for the myriads of network devices.
The CERN Tier Zero data centre also showcases innovations from the organisation's 'OpenLab' industry partnerships. Currently HP, Intel, Oracle, Siemens and Huawei are engaged in early adoption programs with CERN.
Google Summer of Code is one of the best deals out there both for students looking to hone their coding skills and for organizations that need cheap, talented labor. A student who completes an open source coding project gets a cool $5,000, and the projects are important enough that even CERN, the European nuclear research organization that runs the Large Hadron Collider, has participated the last two years.
This paper demonstrates how modern software development methodologies can be used to give an existing sequential application a considerable performance speed-up on modern x86 server systems.
The meeting includes updates on the technical progress of ongoing CERN openlab projects, the activities of the various competence centers, and reports on management and communication activities.