CERN Accelerating science

Community White Paper (CWP) A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

Date published: 
31 Oct 2016

Realizing the physics programs of the planned and/or upgraded HEP experiments over the next 10 years will require the HEP community to address a number of challenges in the area of software and computing. It is expected that the computing models will need to evolve and a significant “software upgrade” is required to prepare. In order to identify and prioritize the software research and development investments required, we are now beginning a community planning process. The aim is to produce a Community White Paper (CWP) which will describe the community strategy and a roadmap for software and computing R&D in HEP for the 2020s. This activity is organised under the umbrella of the HSF. The LHC experiments and HSF have been specifically charged by the WLCG project and we are reaching out to other HEP experiments around the world to participate.

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