CERN Accelerating science

2nd CERN openlab/Intel hands-on workshop on code optimisation

Thursday, 24 November, 2016 (All day) to Friday, 25 November, 2016 (All day)

This workshop — organized in collaboration with Intel — is a great opportunity to improve your application's performance and ask questions to Intel Software Experts!

The idea behind the workshop is that instead of having the usual lectures+exercises format, we have invited Intel specialists to CERN to work with us on improving our code using the Intel optimization tools. This will be an opportunity to make our codes more efficient, as well as learn about Intel's hardware platforms such as Knight's Landing and to discover the Intel tools and discuss with world-class experts.

So far, the list of invited people includes:

  • Klaus-Dieter Oertel, Senior HPC Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Munich
  • Georg Zitzlsberger, Senior HPC Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Ulm
  • Przemysław Karpiński, Fellow researcher in ICE-DIP project, former Software Engineer at Intel

Some of the topics that will be covered:

  • Intel Knights Landing (KNL): code suitability, optimization, memory utilization / NUMA effects
  • Vectorization, including the new AVX-512 set of instructions
  • Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 (C and Fortran Composer, VTune Amplifier, Advisor)