CERN Accelerating science

Advanced Visualizations Tools for CERN Institutional Data

Date published: 
Sunday, 1 September, 2013
Document type: 
Summer student report
A. R. Peón
Project Specification: The aim of this openlab summer student project is to provide intuitive and powerful visualisation tools for key institutional data about CERN, including budgets and contracts. The project will be done in collaboration with the Open Knowledge Foundation under the framework of CERN's open data policy regarding scientific results from LHC. The student will use the model-view-controller web development framework with Flask/HTML5/jQuery/TwitterBootstrap technologies for the user interface and SQLAlchemy ORM for database persistence. Abstract: CERN’s Open Access Policy says that “all results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available”. Following that, CERN has reached a collaboration agreement with the Open Knowledge Foundation in order for CERN to publish and visualize institutional data. As part of this collaboration, we will develop a module for showing this data in a graphical way in the CERN side and a tool in the Open Knowledge Foundation site for automatizing the input of data.