CERN Accelerating science

CERN openlab Workshop on Data Analytics Use Cases

Wednesday, 20 November, 2013 - 09:00 to 15:45

Afternoon session will take place at The IT-Auditorium (31-3-004)


During the past decades, CERN has been gathering enormous amounts of data. We cannot obviate that most of the times this process is costly in terms of technical and human resources. It is a fact, however, that the exploitation of the collected data, or in other words, the extraction of potential benefits from our data investments, has been pushed into the background or has been placed on the bottom of our priorities.
Data is the new soil and therefore it requires nurturing, enriching and managing. Obviously this will require additional efforts but at the same time it is clear that those efforts will generate important value.  

Within this context, the CERN openlab is working on defining the major ICT Challenges that the Experiments and the LHC engineering teams will have to face in the coming years leading up to run 2. One of the Challenges identified is focused on the use of Data Analytics methods and technologies to address large scale data and metadata analysis.

This workshop represents an opportunity to collect information about how Data Analytics is already used at CERN or planned to be used, what use cases are of interest within CERN and what technologies exist today. This information will provide input to the discussion about activities and priorities for the current and next phase of the CERN Openlab collaborations.

As part of the workshop, a special open session has been organized to hear about Data Analytics from invited guests to complement the well establish collaboration with Oracle and Siemens. This session will provide the opportunity to hear from Intel, SAS and Cityzen Data about their best methods and current tools in different data analytics applications and will take place in the IT Amphitheatre from 14:00 to 16: 00.