During the fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for the myriads of network devices.
Sverre Jarp, the Chief Technology Officer in the CERN openlab, has been working in computing at CERN for over 35 years and has held both managerial and technical positions promoting advanced but cost-effective computing solutions for the Laboratory.
“IT today is woven into the fabric of science and business; it’s an integral part of research, engineering and enterprise,” says Herbert Cornelius of Intel.
This month sees the launch of an exciting new conference series from ISC Events. The inaugural ISC Big Data conference is set to take place on 25-26 September in Heidelberg, Germany.
Last week, the inaugural ISC Big Data conference was held in Heidelberg, Germany. The event was chaired by Sverre Jarp, chief technology officer of CERN openlab, and CERN was the focus of two case studies presented during the two-day conference.
Last month, local OpenStack users from France and Switzerland held a meeting at CERN. iSGTW discusses the event with Tim Bell, a member of the OpenStack management board and leader of the Operating Systems and Infrastructure Services group within CERN IT department.
An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at CERN have detailed some of the big technology problems they need to solve to help the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) solve some of the fundamental questions about the nature of the universe.
This year’s International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’14) in Leipzig, Germany, is now just one month away. iSGTW speaks to Niko Neufeld ahead of his talk at the event, ‘The Boson in the Haystack’, which will take place during the session on ‘Emerging Trends for Big Data in HPC’ on Wednesday 25 June.