During the fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, the next generation of hardware, and security for the myriads of network devices.
Data volumes are growing at unprecedented rates, making it more complex for organizations to effectively use that information to make strategic business decisions and gain a competitive advantage. To drive greater value from their data and take advantage of emerging technology trends such as cloud computing and big data, companies must have the ability to move data across highly diverse IT environments and firewalls with very low latency.
Data volumes are growing at unprecedented rates, making it more complex for organizations to effectively use that information to make strategic business decisions and gain a competitive advantage. To drive greater value from their data and take advantage of emerging technology trends such as cloud computing and big data, companies must have the ability to move data across highly diverse IT environments and firewalls with very low latency.
Data volumes are growing at unprecedented rates, making it more complex for organizations to effectively use that information to make strategic business decisions and gain a competitive advantage. To drive greater value from their data and take advantage of emerging technology trends such as cloud computing and big data, companies must have the ability to move data across highly diverse IT environments and firewalls with very low latency.
"Üritame leida võimalusi, kuidas ehitada järgmise põlvkonna seadmeid koos ettevõtetega. Samal ajal aitame ettevõtteid sellega, et et nad saavad sellest tulenevalt luua tooteid, mida kiiresti turule tuua," ütles CERNi arengu- ja innovatsiooniosakonna juht Markus Nordberg, kelle sõnul koostöö ettevõtetega on väga oluline, kuna neid seadmeid, mida CERNis tehakse, ei saa osta poest.
(CERN openlab is highlighted from 10:20 to 10:46 and from 11:12 to 11:58.)
PARIS: Cern, the European physics laboratory and home of the large Hadron Collider (LHC), is using OpenStack as part of its key IT infrastructure, demonstrating how open source software can evolve to meet even the most extreme customer requirements.